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Weight Loss

Fed up with the constant weight loss battle? Want to know how slim people 'think thin'?

You probably know people, who can take one piece of cake or biscuit from the plate, or one chocolate from the box, and leave the rest. How do they do that? Have they got more will power than the rest of us? It seems so unfair, especially when you're trying really hard to lose weight and finding it a disheartening struggle.

The thing is, naturally slim people don't necessarily have any more will power than you do. Nor are they always ‘just lucky’. They think in a way which leads them to make choices about food that just naturally lead to eating the right sort of things, most of the time. This is what gets people slim, and keeps them that way. Not crash or yo-yo dieting.

So what sort of thought is this, and how can you start thinking like that?


You know how you think when you get overwhelmed by a desire to eat something that you know is bad for you, but which feels so irresistible? Your thoughts focus totally on how delicious and enjoyable it's going to be as you're eating it. The guilt and regret and worry about how those pounds are going on rather than coming off get pushed aside and only come back to mind afterwards. By which time it's too late.

In contrast, naturally slim people, faced with a tempting food or treat, think about how they're going to feel after they've eaten it and not only immediately after, but a long time after. In their mind's eye, they see how they will look, and they imagine how they will feel when that food has had its full impact. And they don't like what they see or feel in that future scenario. So they are naturally less likely to take that treat or eat that food in excessive amounts.

You CAN learn to think like this too.

Hypnosis is a very effective way to achieve your weight loss goals

I can reach directly into your unconscious mind with powerful hypnotic suggestions to help you adopt the strategies that will get you to your desired weight or shape and keep you there.

Over a course of a few sessions, you’ll notice significant changes beginning to happen. You'll become aware of how the stress and strain of the old struggle starts to melt away. Your instincts about what will make you slimmer, fitter and healthier start to get sharper your 'long term view' becomes your default position and you will find it getting steadily easier to make sensible choices, more of the time.

You will start to feel so much better about yourself in every way.


Of course, it is often the case that we learn certain behaviour patterns regarding our relationship with food and these patterns then become engrained into our subconscious mind. Maybe we use food for reward when we do well, or have grown up to be rewarded by food. Maybe we turn to food when we are bored, lonely, sad, angry, stressed or any other emotion. Hypnosis alongside NLP can help to reprogram our subconscious mind to think more like the person who is able to see the relationship with food to be one of eating to live, rather than living to eat or feeding emotions.

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Smoking & Addiction


When considering hypnosis to stop smoking, the first thing to do is to make sure you are ready and are choosing to quit for yourself. Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation has been found to be most effective when the person really wants to quit and is determined in succeeding. So, it is important you know why you want to quit and are sure you are making the decision for yourself. Trying to quit when you’re not ready, or for reasons other than your own, can often lead to relapse and feeling like a failure. If you decide you want to quit and are committed to the decision, it’s more likely you’ll succeed.


It’s never too late to quit smoking. Whatever age you are, if you make the decision to stop, your health will benefit. However, the sooner you quit, the faster the body can recover and the risk of developing serious health conditions will decrease.

There are many benefits to stopping smoking, from more money and energy to improved physical appearance.

Benefits of smoking cessation include:

More energy.

As carbon monoxide affects how much oxygen the blood can carry, the body can find it difficult to function properly. When a person stops smoking, the carbon monoxide in the blood lowers. This allows the lungs and muscles to work the way they should. It also means more oxygen can reach the brain, boosting alertness and energy.

Improved immune system.

Smoking causes the immune system to drop. This makes the body more susceptible to colds and flu. Quitting allows the immune system to remain healthy.

Longer life expectancy.

If a person quits smoking by the age of 30, their life expectancy can increase by 10 years. Even if a smoker is 60 years old, quitting can still add three years to their life.

Better breathing.

Within nine months of giving up, lung capacity is said to increase by as much as 10 per cent. This allows the body to carry out daily tasks without the loss of breath. The “smoker’s cough” should also disappear and any breathing conditions, such as asthma, should be reduced.

Less stress.

Many smokers reach for a cigarette when in a stressful situation. The immediate hit of nicotine after withdrawal may make them feel relaxed but in the long-term, smoking increases stress levels. For example many smokers may well stress over when they can have their next cigarette and if for any reason they are unable to smoke, then stress levels rise considerably.

Younger looking skin

Smoking prematurely ages the skin. Regular smoking can leave the skin dull, dry and prone to wrinkles. When a person decides to stop smoking, the effect is reversed as the skin begins to receive the nutrients it needs. Over time, the appearance of the skin should improve.

More money

The average cost of a 20-pack of cigarettes is around £13.00. If a person is smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 10 years, they will have spent approximately £47,450! Quitting smoking could mean that  you are almost £400 richer every month.


Stop smoking timeline

The time since the last cigarette and how it affects the body:

· 20 minutes: Blood pressure and heart rate return to normal.

· 12 hours: Carbon Monoxide levels drop back to normal.

· 24 hours: The body starts to clear out the mucus build-up in the lungs.

· 72 hours: Breathing becomes easier and energy levels increase.

· 1 month: Appearance of the skin improves.

· 3 to 9 months: Lung function can improve by up to 10 per cent.

· 1 year: Risk of suffering from a heart attack falls to about half of that of a smoker.

· 10 years: Risk of developing lung cancer falls to about half of that of a smoker.

· 15 years: Risk of suffering heart attack falls to that of a non-smoker.


Contact me to discuss how I may be able to help you to give up smoking. My smoking cessation course consists of two appointments, approximately a week apart. On the second visit, you will be given a recording to take away, which will then reinforce your new beliefs as a non-smoker. I offer a guarantee that if you return to smoking for any reason within one year, you are entitled to return for another session – free of charge.

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Fears & Phobias

Fear is a natural and healthy response we all have to danger. It’s a survival instinct designed to help us avoid and escape threatening situations.

Phobias however, are different. To start with, phobias are more intense than fears - they can lead to severe anxiety and panic attacks for some people.

What causes a phobia?

Phobias develop when someone has an exaggerated or unrealistic fear surrounding a certain situation or object.

As with many matters of the mind, phobias rarely have a single cause. There can be a number of factors involved. The phobia may have stemmed from a particular trauma or event, for example if you experienced a particularly bumpy flight when you were younger, you may develop a fear of flying as a result. It may be a learned response that you picked up from someone else, for example if your mother screamed when they saw a spider, you may have subconsciously learnt that this is the appropriate response.

Some research also points to genetics being a factor. So it may be that you were simply born with a tendency towards anxiety. Existing mental health conditions like depression, anxiety and long-term stress can all feed into the development of a phobia too.

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. Often you’ll feel the symptoms when you come into contact with the phobia, but for some people, the symptoms can come on simply from thinking about it.

When you come across the source of your phobia, you’re likely to feel incredibly scared, nervous and anxious. You may also feel physical symptoms of fear and anxiety, such as:

dizziness/lightheadedness, sweating, fast heartbeat and/or palpitations, nausea, shaking, an upset stomach, a dry mouth, being unable to move and other unpleasant symptoms.

If the source of your phobia is something you don’t come into contact with often, this phobia may not interfere with your everyday life. If it is something you are likely to come into contact with day- to-day however, your phobia may have a larger impact on and even restrict your life, holding you back from doing what you want to do, or living the life that you would like to and causing a lot of distress. It can also affect those friends and family around you too.

For example for some people a fear or phobia of flying may be so bad that they quite simply cannot do it and so never go on holiday if it involves flying. This is not only extremely restrictive for them, but also affects any family or friends who may wish to holiday with them.


Many phobias exist in our subconscious and are learned responses. Regardless of the cause, it’s important to know that phobias can be treated and help is available. Phobias work on a subconscious level. This means that no matter how much we tell ourselves that our particular phobia isn’t life-threatening, our minds and bodies still react with fear. The aim of hypnotherapy is to communicate with the subconscious and change the way you feel and behave towards your phobia.

If you’re unsure exactly where your phobia came from, you may spend some time under hypnosis, getting to the root of the phobia and remembering the event that triggered it (if there was one).

I can then move on to use different techniques to help change your response. Often this will involve you gradually and gently confronting your phobia whilst being in a calm hypnotic state.

If you feel as though your phobia is holding you back, or it’s interfering with your life in a significant way, consider seeking support. For many people, hypnotherapy is a helpful tool and along with NLP can help to reprogram your subconscious mind to overcome the fear response and ease the associated anxiety.

Stress & Anxiety

Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, people with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks).

These feelings of anxiety and panic interfere with daily activities, are difficult to control, are out of proportion to the actual danger and can last a long time. You may avoid places or situations to prevent these feelings. Symptoms may start during childhood or the teen years and continue into adulthood, or they may not develop until later on in life.


Common anxiety signs and symptoms include:

Feeling nervous, restless or tense.

Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom.

Having an increased heart rate.

Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)


Having a dry mouth


Feeling weak or tired

Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry

Having trouble sleeping

Experiencing gastrointestinal problems

Having difficulty controlling worry

Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety


Whatever form of anxiety you have, Hypnotherapy and NLP can help, by allowing the memory of your sub-conscious mind to be accessed to pinpoint the limiting beliefs that hold you back. These beliefs may have been formed a long time ago, and have been working away below the surface guiding you to continue with behaviours that no longer serve you. Once identified, we can work on letting go of the faulty beliefs and replacing them with positive, empowering thoughts and images.

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